Huggie Hoop Earrings Wholesale. Explore our extensive collection of huggie hoop earrings at wholesale prices. Customize your choices. Wholesale orders are invited.
FAQ for Huggie Hoop Earrings Wholesale
What is the minimum order quantity for wholesale of huggie hoop earrings?
The minimum order quantity is [quantity].
Do you offer discounts based on the size of the wholesale order?
Yes, the larger the order, the greater the discount. Discount tiers start at [order size 1] with a [discount 1]% discount, increasing to [discount 2]% for orders over [order size 2].
Can I customize the color of the huggie hoop earrings for my wholesale order?
For orders meeting a certain quantity threshold, we can accommodate custom color requests.
How long does it take to deliver a wholesale order of huggie hoop earrings?
Delivery times vary depending on the order size and production schedule. Generally, it takes [estimated time] from the date of order confirmation.
Do you provide after-sales support for wholesale customers?
Yes, we offer after-sales support to address any issues or concerns you may have with your wholesale purchase.